This was one of a number of jobs we did for a smashing couple called Audrey and Tim.
Stu removed about eight inches of topsoil, and replaced it with screed, a mix of six parts damp sand and one part cement with no added water. He then levels it and lays the slabs, finishing off with a shoulder of cement. The damp screed draws moisture from the earth underneath and is rock solid in a few days. Nice job Stu.
Meanwhile, I'm felling a few trees.

This big old conifer had been pruned and topped so much in its life that it just started sprouting branches everywhere it could. I climb up and cut off as many facing branches as I can to minimise damage to the lawn. The westerly near gale assists the fall and it touches down exactly where I want it to.
Sliced and diced.
And every twig put to good use. The smaller branches and foliage went to the composting site at Riverside, and the rest went to my big sis for winter fuel.
Another job to be done here is the ridge tiles. Every year Audrey and Tim have problems with ridge tiles being blown off and have to get them cemented into place again. They have a tendancy to slide down the roof and break the guttering so this just adds to the expense.
Gordon jnr is a tradesman roofer and has suggested a ridge system where the tiles are actually screwed into the roof trusses.
As you can see, fresh cement from a recent repair

Nice job Gordon!

Next job was to fit some new PVC guttering to the front of the house. This was to replace the old cast iron ones as they had leaks, and seals etc are no longer available so they had to go. With a bit of advice from Gordon jnr I did this one myself. I also freshened up the paintwork to all of the sills.
Jobs a guid ane!!
Lastly, the bargeboards and soffits to the dormers were a bit worse for wear so we replaced them with some nice pure dead brilliant white PVC.
I'll add some pics later..